Foster Care

Unique Therapeutic and Permanency Foster Care services and support for Southwest Sydney region.

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Fostering & Adoption

Foster carers provide vulnerable children and young people with care and support when they are no longer able to live with their birth families in a safe, secure, and nurturing family home.

Being a foster carer is no ordinary role. It brings with it many challenges but more importantly it is extremely rewarding and life changing not only for the child or young person, but also for you and your family.

Fostering & Adoption

Foster carers provide vulnerable children and young people with care and support when they are no longer able to live with their birth families in a safe, secure, and nurturing family home.

Being a foster carer is no ordinary role. It brings with it many challenges but more importantly it is extremely rewarding and life changing not only for the child or young person, but also for you and your family.

Who can become a foster carer?

We welcome carers from all walks of life, cultural and religious backgrounds, married couples, single people, and same-sex couples. You don’t have to own your own home and you can live in an apartment or house. Our carers all have the same goal and belief, and that is every child and young person deserves a nurturing, secure and stable family, and home.

Advice for future Foster Carers

Rod and Velia share their advice about Fostering and Open Adoption.
Have you thought about becoming a foster carer?

Is Foster Care for you?

We recognise the need for safety, nurture and permanency for children and young people and the benefits of growing up in a family rather than in the out of home care system.

As a foster carer, you can help children and young people grow and mature, achieve great education, feel valued and respected along with many other positive qualities of being a foster carer.

Our carers open their homes and their hearts to provide a safe, loving, and supportive environment.

What we strive for

Is Foster Care for you?

We recognise the need for safety, nurture and permanency for children and young people and the benefits of growing up in a family rather than in the out of home care system.

As a foster carer, you can help children and young people grow and mature, achieve great education, feel valued and respected along with many other positive qualities of being a foster carer.

Our carers open their homes and their hearts to provide a safe, loving, and supportive environment.

The importance of culturally appropriate placement

We believe in the importance of culturally appropriate placements as this helps with continuing to nurture children and young people’s cultural identity and beliefs whilst staying connected to their community, family, and kin.

Explore the transformative possibilities of foster care adoption with Creating Links. As a dedicated fostering agency in NSW, we offer a comprehensive range of services that cater to the unique needs of children and families. Our commitment to fostering in NSW extends to providing nurturing homes and stable environments for children in need. Whether you're in Sydney or throughout NSW, our foster care services are designed to make a lasting impact. Join our community of foster parents in Sydney and across NSW, and become a vital part of a child's journey towards a brighter future. At Creating Links, we understand the importance of foster care in NSW, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.


Types of Foster Care

To ensure each child and young person receives the best support for their situation, we offer various types of care that best suits their needs to provide stability to the child or young person.

Temporary or short-term care

This can be anything from overnight up to twelve months. At the end of temporary care, there is a strong focus the child may return to their family or be placed in long-term care.

Permanent or long-term care, adoption, or guardianship

Typically for children who cannot live with their families. This care lasts until their family circumstances change, or until they turn 18. We expect children will remain a permanent part of their foster family even if they’re no longer officially in foster care.

Respite care

This involves short stays on a regular basis; sometimes for a few days, a couple of weeks or for one weekend a month. Respite care provides stressed parents or foster carers with a much-needed break. It can relieve a sense of isolation for families, and provide a different, positive experience for a child.

Relative or Kinship Care

This is when a child or young person lives with a relative or someone they already know.

Contact us

Foster Care Enquiry

Interested in applying to be a Foster Carer? Please complete the accompanying form and a team member will get in touch with you shortly.

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    Our Mission Statement

    " Communities for the future - Creating Links aspires to be a leading community service provider, strengthening and building community capacity. "
    Matthew Richards

    Executive Manager